Outputs & Results

GRASPINNO partnership aims to produce…

  1. GRASPINNO Transnational Mediterranean Network (TMN)
  2. Unified eGPP platform
  3. Cooperation and networking facilities with transnational scope
  4. GRASPINNO Living Labs
  5. Transfer Seminar for SMEs

Expected Results GRASPINNO partnership expects…

  1. Increased PAs and green energy actors capacities through pilot testing with validation of green e-tenders and integration of upgraded eGPP platform
  2. Tailored mentoring/financing schemes for green growth sectors SMEs/clusters/networks, through MED Mentors Network and MED BAN
  3. Effective policy recommendations to competent public authorities and support to green energy market demand-supply sides
  4. Cooperation and networking facilities with transnational scope
  5. Systematized project knowledge, mainstreaming of results transferred beyond consortium


GRASPINNO project is co-funded by the European Union through the Interreg MED programme 2014-2020 in the framework of the first call proposals for modular projects, priority axis 1.1. The project, started in November 2016, aims at increasing transnational activities of innovative clusters and networks of key sectors of MED area under the Community of Green Growth.