
The overall objective of GRASPINNO is to promote a green and sustainable growth model for Med area:

  1. by supporting green energy and eco-innovation networks/clusters increase their business and R&I capacities and reinforce transnational cooperation, and
  2. by supporting Public Administrations (PAs) adopt green public procurement through knowledge bases, decision support tools, and validated state-of-the-art e-procurement systems.

In accordance with specific objective 1.1 the project aims to:

  1. enhance innovation capacities of PAs to engage in electronic green public procurement (eGPP); and of eco-innovation and green energy private actors, with solutions in green energy refurbishment of public buildings, to participate in green e-tenders;
  2. improve transnational cooperation and networking by reinforcing networks of networks of the green growth sectors and including all actors of the quadruple helix in the Green Energy MED (GEM) ecosystem, i.e. private actors, research organisations, PAs, civil society engaged in green, smart, sustainable development;
  3. facilitate transfer and replicability of eGPP practices by developing novel instruments for coaching and mentoring (MED Mentors Network), for sustainable financing (MED Business Angels Network - MED BAN), and for effecting continuous behavioral change in favour of green, smart and sustainable development (the Living Lab).


GRASPINNO project is co-funded by the European Union through the Interreg MED programme 2014-2020 in the framework of the first call proposals for modular projects, priority axis 1.1. The project, started in November 2016, aims at increasing transnational activities of innovative clusters and networks of key sectors of MED area under the Community of Green Growth.